Thursday, December 2, 2010

Final Exam Mode

How did I lose track of time? By Tuesday of this week, I found myself being inundated with "to-dos" that I had forgotten about while I was in Korea...ugh...then to add insult to injury, two of my classes at one college are taking their final exams and submitting research papers this Tuesday (12/7) and the other three classes are scheduled for the following week. :P I have exactly under a week to get all the grading done! Ack!

How does this affect my blog some of you are probably wondering?

Very little writing will get done until final grades for all 5 classes are posted. :( sorry, but I must prioritize...I'm sure you students out there will commiserate with me. As much as you get stressed studying for exams and writing papers, we professors are on the other spectrum trying to finish our grading within the allotted time frame.

However, I may pop in for a sanity break this weekend to post photos...but I just wanted to take some time now to warn you all in case some of you find yourselves obsessively clicking the refresh button every so often.

On a more positive note, the first story for Twinkie's World is in my brain and just needs to be typed out. :D

Stay tuned in 2-3 weeks....


  1. don,t worry just take your time. we are not going anywhere.

  2. 2-3 weeks? seem like forever! :) Do your best twinkie, we will wait..

  3. i'm really appreciated your hospitality, so don't worry be happy.
    do what you need to be doing
    good luck & take care
    thank you as always
    ♥ X ♥ X ♥
