Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back home~

Arrived yesterday from Korea and am trying to catch up with work and miscellaneous items. :( This means that I probably won't be able to start recapping Secret Garden until later this week. However, I did manage to see the episodes while I did some work today...definitely looking forward to recapping...there were so many hilarious parts, especially the sit-up scene. LOL. As for the body switch story, there were some funny moments, but I'm not sure how I feel yet about the whole supernatural aspect of the story. Then, there's the dead father's comment about trying to save his daughter...makes one wonder if Kil Ra-Im is going to die from some untreatable disease, perhaps a hereditary one that killed the father? Anyhow, I'm planning on uploading the recap of episode 1 and hopefully 2 by this weekend, so stay tuned.

On a personal front, I wanted to share with you all that I received a phone call this morning telling me that I passed the screening process for that faculty position and am scheduled for an interview for the second step (remember the application I submitted before I left for Korea?) Talk about perfect timing, huh? An interview almost as soon as I arrive back in the states and not while I was in Korea. :) My interview is set for Dec. 7th at 7:45AM. LOL...talk about an early interview....just glad, though, to still be in the running in this bad economy. :) Wish me luck!

Korea pictures will be posted later this week as well...as soon as I can figure out how to post. (Sigh) I did mention how low-tech I am, right? LOL


  1. welcome back! and congrats! ^_^

  2. welcome home!! congrats!! and all best luck!!

  3. Welcome home and good luck!

  4. welcome back n congrats~..good luck for the interview

  5. welcome back! Is it just me or your Korea trip was short D= If I ever go I want to go for a few months and try really hard to never come back lol

    Congrats on the job interview!

    So far Secret Garden is going alright not amazing, I still think My gf is a gumiho used the magical aspect much better.

  6. Hi there! Sounds like you had a great trip! I would like to visit SKorea one day too. Guess what?! SKK just started airing on New York's MKTV channel - so I can watch it all over again. ^-^
    Heartened to hear that you got an interview. Goodluck! and Hwaiting!!
    Secret Garden started well, I am hoping they won't stay switched for long ... because it is interesting for only an episode or so.
    Looking forward to the photos ... we'll get to see you at last!

  7. Good luck twinkie, hoping everything will be great for you. A happy twinkie will also make us happier :)Looking forward to the photos..
