Wednesday, October 12, 2011


After this week's confusion regarding URL change, I have BIG NEWS!!!

I am so excited that I just had to share this with you all! My awesome "fairy god-brother-in-law" just set me up with my own blog site:!!!

Can you believe that?! He's even transferred my previous posts and your comments to the new site, so I'll be posting from that site from now on...the new site should allow me more flexibility to do a great number of things that blogspot doesn't allow.

So come celebrate with me at the new site and subscribe! I'm at this new site now for good! No more moving for this little Twinkie. :)

I'd love to hear suggestions on how I can make the site even better for our "musings" on kdramas, so please feel free to make suggestions as I work on the site... This site is just as much for you all as it is for me...excited. LOL

Link to New Blog

A Thousand Kisses Episode 17 Teaser / Preview

Please go to my new site ( for further recaps....

Recap of Episode 17 Teaser while you wait for Episode 16 Recap:
-Someone comments that Joo Young and WooB look like they're dating. That was the impression they were giving..
-Joon Hee tells Tae Kyung that Joo Young and she have decided to sue.
-The aunt grandmother rants about how Tae Kyung plans on living his life with both women.
-Joo Young tells Yoo Kyung that she and WooB have a love relationship. (Don't know why she feels like she has to explain her personal life to Yoo Kyung.) Yoo Kyung asks incredulously if WooB told her that he loves her.
-During a meal with the family, the chairmen asks Woo Jin if Joo Mi really doesn't know where her biological mother is. Woo Jin replies that it seems she has no clue. (Oh no, why do I get the premonition that the chairman's going to find out about Joo Mi's biological mother being his wife/Woo Jin's stepmother and the wedding plans will be significantly delayed? *sigh* It just wouldn't be a kdrama if a couple got married without facing obstacles all the way to the altar, I suppose.)
-As WooB and Yoo Kyung sign a business contract, his coworker/manager's voice can be heard demanding WooB if as president of the company, his personal life can take precedence over his business.
-Joo Young's friend comments to Joo Young that Yoo Kyung must have felt insulted.
-Seated at a cafe with Woo Jin, Joo Mi asks where they'll be going for their honeymoon. Surprised, she asks if she can really decide the location.
-Joo Young's voice is heard over the scene with her and WooB sharing a quiet moment together: "Love and friendship. I wonder if he's confused between the two?"
-At a cafe, Joo Young leaves Joon Hee and Tae Kyung, who calls out after her that he's definitely going to be reconciling with her.
-As WooB dances his cute little celebratory dance in his bedroom, his voice is heard asking, "Joo Young, why are you, out of everyone in this entire world, the most special/treasured person to me?" (LOL...their relationship is getting cuter and cuter by the episode...finally, the main couple is drawing more attention from me than the supporting couple.)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Musings for Today: Variations in Language

I have a love affair with words--I love learning new words and exploring the subtle nuances associated with words. Take my affection for words into the realm of foreign languages, and I'm in a linguist's heaven.

I joke about my excuse--I mean reason--for watching dramas, but seriously, part of the reason I do watch them is so that I can learn more Korean words. Although I try to speak the language at home in the US, there's only so many words a family uses within the normal daily routine, right?

Why am I waxing on about words, you ask? One of my friends, also a blog reader for "Musings of a Twinkie," contacted me to tell me that "septagon" is indeed a legitimate word. I was surprised since only references "heptagon" as the word for a seven-sided polygon. Curious, though, I searched, and what to you know? The prefix "hepta" is Greek derived while "septa" is Latin derived. heh my brain's accidental glitch wasn't a glitch after all. heh heh..."septagon" is an accepted term...good to know. However, since "heptagon" is the standardized use of the term, I'll stick with the Greek derivation.

This variation in word choice is quite fascinating if you really think about it. As I study literature, I'm constantly made aware of the subtle differences and sometimes not-so-subtle differences in the spelling of English words depending on the country. I love that some of you write in British English while others write in American English for instance. Words, words, words...gotta love 'em!

Anyhow, that's my musing for today. My dog is sick today and clinging to me like glue so no recap will be posted until tomorrow when he's better. I can't really watch and type for more than 20-30 minutes at a time when he's on my lap; otherwise, my legs start to cramp up. :P On a side note, though, I'll try to be a bit more detailed in the dialogue recaps since some of you have expressed a desire for more specifics. I can't do it often since the dialogue translating takes much longer, though.

Until tomorrow then....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Musings for Today: Slowly Settling into My Groove

Hi everyone,
I've made the blog name change as noted in an earlier blog post. Hopefully, this alteration in URL doesn't pose problems for any of you.

Also, I recapped episode 15, so enjoy! As you'll notice from my comments within the recap, I'm now officially rooting for WooB-Joo Young. LOL. I'm definitely enjoying the developments in their relationship. :) However, this does not mean I've stopped rooting for Woo-Mi couple; I'm still cheering them on.
Lastly, I appreciate so many of you reading my blog posts and leaving comments. It's always a nice break from my academic work to read kind words of appreciation, but I thought I should save some of you anxiety by letting you in on my blogging schedule:

Monday-Friday: post link to High Kick 3
Saturdays and Sunday: post link and 2-3 days within broadcast time, try to recap A Thousand Kisses
Fridays: post link and recap The Musical
On any given day, post "Musings for Today"

I hope this alleviates some of the nail-biting, I-wonder-when-she's-going-to-post thoughts and/or questions.
Have a great day, everyone! Hope you enjoy the recap of Episode 15!

High Kick 3: Counterattack of the Short Legs Episode Links (Week 4)

Episode 14:
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
Episode 17:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Thousand Kisses Episode 16 Recap and Link

Episode 16 Link:

Recap: Please go to my new site ( for the recap.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Musings for Today: Power Play

I was thrilled to find myself today with an expected few hours in which to finish the recap of The Musical Episode 6 and post the link to A Thousand Kisses Episode 15. *Happy sigh* I hope you all enjoy how the love triangle among Eun Bi, Jae Hee, and Kang Hee is now morphing into a polygon that includes Sang Won, Joon Hyuk, Ra Kyung, and Yoo Jin. Does this now make the relationship a love septagon? LOL

Although I'm looking forward to next Friday's episode, there's a part of me that cringes in fear of the unknown...we're only 6 episodes into the drama and already there's a bevy of conflicts headed Eun Bi and Jae Hee's way. *sigh* I knew that Sang Won could be manipulative--that's how he got Kang Hee to marry him and leave Jae Hee in the first place--but I didn't think he would pull strings as he did in episode 6. If Gumiho gets put on the back burner for Count Monte, this change can put so many people out of jobs and in turmoil, to put it lightly. Then we mustn't forget Kang Hee's power play as she emotionally manipulates Eun Bi to turn her back on Jae Hee's growing love for her. Granted, Eun Bi just thinks Jae Hee is merely infatuated with her in much the same way a kid becomes entralled with a new toy, but still...I look forward to the day she realizes Jae Hee's feelings for her are real. heh heh

The other powerful person to fear is Ra Kyung. I know she's been the nice character up till now, but we mustn't forget that she wields qutie a bit of power. Someone--I can't remember who--suggested in an earlier episode that she had more power than Yoo Jin. Who knows what she might do once she realizes Yoo Jin is interested in Eun Bi. You know what they say about a woman scorned....

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy the episode and the recap. Please remember that the recaps are geared to be read AS you watch the raw episodes. This should make the scene changes in my recap understandable. Otherwise, if you just read the recaps, the paragraphs (which denote scenes) may seem a bit choppy.

On a brighter note, I'm looking into getting more tech savvy. One of these days, don't be surprised if I amaze you with pictures to accompany these recaps. LOL. Until next time then, enjoy a great weekend!

A Thousand Kisses Episode 15 Recap and Link

Episode 15 link:

Recap 15:

Woo Bin’s mom waits for Woo Jin’s mom at a coffee shop. As Woo Jin’s mom sits down, Woo Bin’s mom throws a full glass of iced water at her face. Shocked, Woo Jin’s mother asks why she’s acting this way. Woo Bin’s mother tells her that she’s come here not as her sister-in-law but as Min Ji Hoon’s older sister. Had it not been for her, Ji Hoon would never have gone to the United States and still be alive today. Again stunned, Woo Jin’s mother asks what she means, not alive anymore. Woo Bin’s mother clarifies that her brother died because of Woo Jin’s mother, who once again apologizes and says that she’ll live the rest of her life regretting her past actions and with the consequences. Woo Bin’s mother tells her that she’ll never forgive Woo Jin’s mother for what she’s done as long as she’s alive. (OK, I’ve got to stop and rant for a bit. I understand that Woo Bin’s mother is a sister who’s grieving the loss of her brother, but seriously, her brother was old enough to understand what he was doing as well. Why isn’t she putting part of the blame at his doorstep? I really despise the whole let’s blame the woman—Eve phenomenon—whenever a man does something stupid. C’mon…it takes two to tango, not just one. It sucks that Woo Jin’s mother has to keep getting this past event thrown in her face all the time by Woo Bin’s mother. It’s not like Woo Jin’s mother hasn’t suffered greatly for her past mistake, too. She had to leave her two daughters, never to see them or talk to them, and suffer the breakdown of her family and is now living as a caretaker/wife to a grumpy old man…Talk about great consequences for foolish actions. What a great reminder to live life wisely. OK, sorry…had to get that out. Woo Bin’s mother is exasperating, placing all the blame on Woo Jin’s mom when her brother was also involved. I wonder if this is part of the old Korean mentality that the men can do no wrong…ugh.) After saying her piece, Woo Bin’s mother walks out.

Woo Jin’s mother returns home and collapses from stress in the kitchen. (Who wouldn’t collapse after all the stress--trying to negotiating with her ex-mother-in-law to allow Joo Mi's happiness--she’s been under in addition to the constant stress of dealing with her demanding and volatile husband?) Her husband finds her lying on the floor.

At Woo Young’s house, the grandmother asks why the young man came to see Joo Young as they prepare dinner. The grandmother worries and asks if the man likes Joo Young, who promptly denies the speculation, telling her grandmother that she won’t do anything to further worry her grandmother.

Woo Bin swims off his frustrations. (LOL…all right, ladies…I’m sorry but I’m going to have to squeal a bit. Kyaaaaa. OK, that’s out of my system now. But seriously, I’ve always thought Ji Hyun Woo was cute, but now he’ Take a look and see if you don’t agree with me.) He slowly sinks to the bottom of the pool and wallows in his misery and continues to nurse his hurt as he showers. (Yup, there’s the requisite shower scene for our Korean drama male leads. LOL…He’s definitely come a long way since The Old Miss Diaries!)

Woo Jin’s mother sleeps in bed, hooked up to an IV, while her husband and Woo Jin look on in concern. Wheeled out by Woo Jin, Woo Jin’s father calls Woo Bin’s mother to see if there was anything wrong when they met. Woo Bin’s mother lies and says that they talked about Woo Jin’s upcoming wedding plans.

Joo Mi tells her grandmothers that Woo Jin’s mother has collapsed in the kitchen. The grandmother silently comments to herself, “Yes, if you’re human, you must have been under tremendous stress, too.” Joo Mi asks her grandmother to fix her future mother-in-law some porridge. The grandmother minimizes her great cooking skills but still refuses to cook the porridge for her ex-daughter-in-law.

Joo Young and her fellow employees get ready for a shoe event in Daejeon. However, before they can leave, Yoo Kyung walks in and tells Joo Young that she’s going to have to oversee a photoshoot. When Joo Young’s friend says that they’ve never gone in person in the past, Yoo Kyung says that things will be different with her at the helm and that she refuses to leave their shoes like abandoned children. She then tells Joo Young that she will be held responsible for everything relating to that photoshoot. (How much do you all want to bet that Yoo Kyung’s plotted something?)

At the Jang residence, Woo Jin’s father tells his wife to rest and that the doctor will be visiting shortly. He and Woo Jin leave for work while she recooperates.

Joo Young introduces herself to the stylist at the photoshoot. Joo Young unexpectedly meets Woo Bin, who’s come to check on how his soccer player is doing. (I doubt Yoo Kyung knew Woo Bin would be there. heh heh) As Woo Bin and Joo Young awkwardly look at each other, the stylist interrupts their moment and demands what kind of professional Joo Young is to bring the wrong shoe size. Joo Young shows her the paperwork to prove that she brought all the shoes according to the request. The stylist says that they’ll sort out where the miscommunication happened at a later time; meanwhile since they’re short on time, she can only give her 1 hour to return with the required shoes in the proper shoe size. Joo Young then rushes out and calls the necessary places for the shoes. Unable to hail a taxi, she’s saved by her knight (WooB) who tells her to get in the car. When she tries to thank him, he merely speeds up in reply. As he watches her run inside one department store to get the shoes, he puts on his sunglasses in order to hide his eyes. (Kyaaaaa…OK, I’m not  only officially on board with WooB-JooY relationship, but dying from his touching stoicism) Joo Young runs back into the car and tells him the next location. Noticing his sunglasses, Joo Young can only look at him, knowing why he's shading his eyes. When she gets to the next location, she’s told by the salesclerk that they only have a size 250 and that the employee on the phone hadn’t checked inventory from last night’s sales. She then asks for the size 250 with foot inserts. She rushes back to the studio just in time to resume the photoshoot. As Joo Young watches in satisfaction, Woo Bin casts a pained look over her way. When she tries to walk over to thank him, he turns around and goes outside, calming himself outside the studio. He reflects upon her last words to him, that she’s thinking about reconciling with Chan Ho’s father and that he should simply mind his own business.

Joo Mi drops by a florist shop to pick up flowers for Woo Jin’s mother.

At the conclusion of the photoshoot, Joo Young looks around for Woo Jin, but finding him nowhere, texts him a message: “I guess you’ve gone. Thank you very much for today. Mr. Popeye…” But she reconsiders and erases the message.

Struggling with her bags as she leaves the studio, she protests when WooB wordlessly takes her bags from her and packs them away in his car. She keeps protesting that she can just take a taxi now that all pressing matters are over. WooB finally breaks his silence and tells her to get in the car. When she still resists, he tells her, “Shall I just drop off the bags then?” Unable to resist any longer and probably not wanting to, she climbs into the car and thanks him, telling him that she doesn’t want to keep imposing on him. WooB succinctly tells her to not provoke him. “I’m really mad at you right now, but I’m trying to hold it in. I’m like a bomb just about to explode, so just be quiet.” (Kyaaaa…love the way he says this…so much pent up emotion!) Joo Young gets a call from Yoo Kyung who chews her out on the phone. Joo Young tells her that she’ll report everything once she returns to the office. WooB listens to the conversation in silence, his frustration and concern for Joo Young growing despite his efforts.

The two grandmothers go shopping, and the aunt grandmother nags the grandmother for not sending Joo Mi with some of the grandmother’s porridge.

Joo Mi calls Woo Jin to let him know that she’s on her way to visit his mother. Woo Jin tells her he’ll call her back because he’s busy right now with resort business.

Pulling up to Joo Young’s company, WooB looks over at the sleeping Joo Young. Finding her lovable despite her less-than-glamorous sleeping position, he reaches over to gently caress the stray lock of hair from her face but quickly withdraws his hand when Joo Young awakes. They get out of the car and unload her bags of shoes. When she thanks him, he leaves without another word, still angry with her. Outside the office, Yoo Kyung notices Joo Young walking in. Unable to drive any further, WooB stops the car and tries to calm his raging emotions.

Inside the shoe company, Yoo Kyung lays the blame on Joo Young, telling her that Joo Young should have double checked everything and confirmed with the photoshoot people. Pretending to be generous, Yoo Kyung tells her that she’ll overlook Joo Young’s mistake this time.

At Woo Jin’s house, Joo Mi visits with Woo Jin’s mother, who’s lying in bed, and tells her not to get sick anymore. Soo Ah races into the bedroom and tells her mother that nothing tastes the same since her mother’s been sick. The mother tenderly holds Soo Ah’s hand and then reaches for Joo Mi’s hand, much to Soo Ah’s dismay. Against Soo Ah’s wishes, the mother tells the two girls that she thinks of them both as daughters regardless of whether Joo Mi is her daughter-in-law or not.

Ever busy at work, Joo Young answers a phone call from Tae Kyung, who wants to take Chan Ho home for a visit with his mother. Joo Young tells him to reschedule the overnight for the weekend so as to not conflict with Chan Ho’s kindergarten schedule, but Tae Kyung says that he’ll drop him off at the school tomorrow morning then. He then calls Joon Hee and tells her to go home before Chan Ho comes. Joon Hee refuses and tells Tae Kyung's mother that Chan Ho’s coming for a visit. Chan Ho's grandmother can barely contain her excitement and reiterates Tae Kyung’s request for Joon Hee to go to her house. She waits outside the apartment complex, waiting for Chan Ho and showers him with hugs and kisses. Chan Ho warmly greets his grandmother and then goes inside his bedroom to play with his old toys, jumping on the bed in joy.

Joo Mi greets Woo Jin’s father, calling him father-in-law as he requests. She then wheels him into his bedroom where Woo Jin’s mother gets up to hang his clothes for him. (Her relationship with her husband pains me at's like she lives on pins and needless. *SIGH*)

Woo Bin’s father asks his wife to go visit Woo Jin’s mother. She refuses, saying that it’s not as if Woo Jin’s mother has come down with cancer or anything, and that she’s just returned from burying her brother on foreign soil. The father relents and says that he understands her feelings but that he just thought she should.

Joo Mi takes her leave of Woo Jin’s family, saying her goodnight to Woo Jin’s mother. As the mother watches Joo Mi leave, she silently calls Joo Mi "my daughter."

As Woo Jin gets ready to take Joo Mi home, he mentions that he’s never called his stepmother "Our mother." Thanking Joo Mi for her kindness, to which Joo Mi replies it’s only natural since she and his mother have decided to be mother-daughter, he reaches over. Joo Mi closes her eyes thinking that he’s finally going to kiss her, but to her mild embarrassment, Woo Jin only reaches for her seat belt and secures her in. (LOL…ah the anticipation of their first kiss is sooooo drawn out. LOL)

Back at Tae Kyung’s house, Chan Ho and his dad and grandmother dance and laugh. However, all merriment halts when Joon Hee walks into the apartment unannounced with a gift for Chan Ho. (LOL the creaking noise that comes out of Tae Kyung’s mouth had me laughing out loud and startled my dog. LOL) Croaking out her name, he asks her what she’s doing here. Tae Kyung’s mom demands to know what Joon Hee’s doing here, and when Chan Ho asks in confusion what he should do, the grandmother tells him to just accept it since a gift is just a gift and has no sin.

Yoo Kyung meets Hye Bin and tells her that Woo Bin is dating a married woman. Pretending to be meek and concerned, Yoo Kyung tells Hye Bin that she’s only telling the sister because as his sister, she should know.

Blaring music loudly in his bedroom, WooB reflects on Joo Young’s past comments to him while woodenly drinking a can of beer. Recalling Joo Young’s comment about considering a reconciliation with Chan Ho’s father, he nurses his wound when Hye Bin barges in. He tells Hye Bin to just go sleep if she’s drunk. She demands to know if he’s really dating a married woman. He tells her to leave since he’s not in the mood to talk right now. At her insistence, he asks her if he’s crazy to love a married woman since it’s a crime to have an affair with a married woman in Korea. He clarifies that the woman is not married, and she's refused him. He’s the only one who was in love, chasing after her. He then tells Hye Bin not to meet Yoo Kyung anymore when Hye Bin says that Yoo Kyung told her everyting. Hye Bin allows herself to be pushed out of his room, warning him that she has a spy and will tell their mother everything if things are true.

Walking downstairs, Hye Bin calls Yoo Kyung to reassure her that she has nothing to worry about. Woo Bin was rejected. Yoo Kyung insists that she saw him drop Joo Young off at their company only today. Hye Bin speculates then that he must have been rejected only today. (Dang, Yoo Kyung really irritates me. Can’t we have an antagonist who’s not this underhanded and despicable?! She’s like Iago, presenting herself in the story on a filmsy pretext that she wants to start over with WooB after four years of silence.) Hye Bin hangs up and then wonders to herself what kind of woman Joo Young must be for WooB to have a one-sided crush on her.

The next morning, Joo Young bids her grandmother good day as she leaves for work. Unpleasantly surprised to see Tae Kyung waiting for her outside her house, she asks why he’s here. Tae Kyung tells her that he has something he wants to discuss with her and thought to see her after dropping Chan Ho off at his school. Once inside the car, Joo Young tells him to say what he came here to say, and he admits that he only wanted to see her face. Arriving at her company without much conversation, she gets out of his car and enters the building, all under the watchful eyes of Yoo Kyung, who confronts her in front of the elevator. Yoo Kyung comments that Joo Young’s really audacious to have her husband drop her off today and her lover yesterday. She leaves before Joo Young can mount a proper reply.

Woo Bin’s mother comes to visit Woo Jin’s mother, telling her that she’s only come to visit because Woo Bin’s father kept insisting. She then goes on to explain that she can’t look upon her sister-in-law with forgiveness when Woo Jin’s mother is living such a comfortable life. Woo Jin’s mother stops her and tells her to not bring that up anymore. (Seriously, it's been over 20 years since the scandal.) She continues that as Woo Bin’s mother well knows, she was in a miserable state after the affair herself and was hoping that Woo Bin’s mother’s complete disclosure of what type of woman she was to Woo Jin’s father would dissuade him from wanting to marry her. However, Woo Jin’s father found her, even after she went into hiding so that no one could find her. In all honesty, she hasn’t lived a life of atonement because of Ji Hoon. She’s lived a life of atonement toward her ex-husband, a man who only knew his work, and her two daughters. Was the hurt received from a past love that traumatic for Ji Hoon? Woo Bin’s mother refuses to relent and can’t get over the fact that her brother, who had no reason to go to the states, went there and lived a lonely life. (Woman! He's survived by a wife and child, and it's been 20 years ago...get over it! I'm sure your brother came to terms with his past long before he died. I can't imagine a man pining over an affair he had with his professor's wife for that long, especially knowing about the resulting havoc that was wrecked on her family as well.)

Joo Young, unable to handle Yoo Kyung’s snide comments, goes to Yoo Kyung’s office to clarify matters. She explains that she has neither husband nor lover and that Yoo Kyung, as her supervisor, should refrain from making comments about Joo Young’s personal life. Maintaining her arrogant attitude, Yoo Kyung agrees to refrain, only giving in to her true emotions once Joo Young leaves her office.

Joo Mi calls Woo Jin and asks to meet him since she has something to tell him. Eager to see her, he quickly finishes his report to the head office and meets her at a café. She tells him that she could have told him the news over the phone, but she wanted to see his face since she won’t see him tomorrow and perhaps the day after that. She announces brightly that she’s going on a business trip to Jeju Island for the second installment of the resort series for her magazine. Slowly processing the news, Woo Jin asks if she’s going with that photographer? Just the two of them? On an overnight business trip? (LOL) Unaware of the storm brewing within Woo Jin, Joo Mi brightly answers yes. Woo Jin asks if that makes sense to her. How can she think about going on an overnight trip with another man? He categorically states that she can’t go. Especially since she’s going to be quitting once they get married. He tells her that he’ll give her the money that she earns from the magazine. Joo Mi refuses, stunned that he would even offer her money in place of her employment, and Woo Jin amends that he’ll call it household budget then. Insulted, Joo Mi asks him if he thinks she’s only working because of the money. Does he work purely for money? She enjoys what she does and finds meaning in her work. She plans to continue working once she’s married and hopes that her husband will give her shoulder massages and bring her coffee while she writes, be moved by her writing, etc. Woo Jin insists that he can’t agree to having his future wife go on an overnight trip with another man. He doesn’t want to have a wife who works. She counters that she refuses to quit, childishly repeating "no, no, no" as a way to taunt him and as answers to his future, yet-unspoken questions. He stands up, planting his hands on the table; Joo Mi stands up as well, meeting him head on.

Joo Young, walking back home slowly, stops by the playground and recalls her many memories with WooB, a man who has brought her countless wonderful memories of being cherished, especially during her hardest times. Climbing up the hill to her house, she sighs over WooB’s last comment that he’s really mad at her right now, barely containing his anger like a bomb ready to explode.

On the bank of the Han River, Woo Jin and Joo Mi continue their argument. Woo Jin then tells her that he’ll have to reconsider their upcoming marriage if she insists. Unable to believe her ears, Joo Mi repeats that she will likewise reconsider their upcoming marriage.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Musical Episode 6 link and recap

Episode 6 Link:

Recap 6:

The episode resumes with a recap of the previous episode in which Eun Bi gets selected for the role of Do Ah. Jae Hee hugs Eun Bi and tells her she did a great job up there on the audition stage. Kang Hee starts to spend calculated time with Eun Bi. Jae Hee tries to explain to Eun Bi that she is different from Kang Hee, but she misunderstands, resulting in his angry outburst. Yoo Jin asks Jae Hee to take a more serious interest in the musical than as just a vehicle to showcase Eun Bi.

Picking up from the previous episode’s ending, Ra Kyung falls to the ground, burning her left arm in the process. Eun Bi takes charge with her medical skills and quickly gets the situation under control, transporting Ra Kyung inside one of the rooms and cooling her burn. She then calls one of her medical seniors, asks him for information on the nearest hospital in the vicinity, and dresses Ra Kyung’s burn with a basic first aid kit. Within minutes, she accompanies Ra Kyung, Yoo Jin, and Joon Hyuk (the staffer who’s interested in Ra Kyung) to the hospital, leaving the rest of the musical cast and crew amazed and impressed with her medical efficiency. As Jae Hee turns to return to the hotel, Kang Hee waylays him and asks for a meeting between writer and actress. Jae Hee reluctantly agrees and goes back to the hotel with Gu Jak as Sang Won takes in the scene. (Ugh…here we go…Kang Hee’s getting ready to make her move…ugh!)

At the hospital, Ra Kyung gets treated by Eun Bi’s senior who informs the group that unless Eun Bi’s really a fantastic musical actress, they should kick her back to medical school. When she left medical school, all the professors were upset to lose such a medical prodigy. Even one of her professors, Professor Kang, had called him, asking him to try to convince Eun Bi to come back to school. He pretty much makes Eun Bi out to be the top medical student at their school. Once finished dressing Ra Kyung’s burn, the senior asks the group to wait outside while Ra Kyung rests a bit. Yoo Jin gives Ra Kyung’s hand a squeeze of reassurance and leaves. Joon Hyuk, however, lingers to lower Ra Kyung’s bed for her comfort and then notices her burned clothing before leaving. (*Sigh* Ra Kyung’s going to start noticing that Joon Hyuk’s always the first one to help her and the last one to leave her pretty soon if Yoo Jin doesn’t get his act together. After all, Joon Hyuk and Eun Bi were the first ones to her aid when she got burned while Jin came later. Joon Hyuk was also the one who carried Ra Kyung to the hotel, and now, he’s the one to see to her every little comfort at the hospital while Jin left with Eun Bi.)

Out in the hallway, Joon Hyuk tells Yoo Jin that he’ll be right back. (Yup, the man has a bad case of one-sided love for Ra Kyung. He’s probably going out to buy her something to wear.) Meanwhile, Jin uses the time while they wait to ask Eun Bi if she didn’t take a leave of absence from medical school as a first year. When she confirms that fact, he comments that she must be brilliant then because her skills are those of a resident. Eun Bi chuckles self-consciously and minimizes her intelligence and skill.

Back at the hotel, Jae Hee asks Gu Jak to come with him to discuss the musical with Kang Hee, but Sang Won asks Jae Hee to go on ahead since he and Gu Jak were discussing some things. With no other choice, Jae Hee goes to Kang Hee’s room by himself, hesitating in front of her door. (I’m thinking he’s hesitating before going inside the Lion’s Den…ah, Kang Hee, you sure know how to emasculate men.) Kang Hee opens the door at that moment and asks him to come inside. Meanwhile in the other room, Gu Jak continue to entertain Sang Won, who seems to be trying a bit too hard to be amused by Gu Jak, probably in an attempt to pretend that he’s not bothered by Kang Hee’s marked interest in Jae Hee still.

To keep Yoo Jin from worrying, Eun Bi keeps talking, telling him about how she entered medical school as a way to do her filial duty to her grandmother and cure her illness. Jin comments that the grandmother must be very sick then, and Eun Bi denies that the grandmother’s really that ill. She then relates how when Jae Hee came to bring her back to Seoul and she was late for the train, she had no idea that her grandmother could drive like that. Jin adds, “Like a taxi bullet?” Chuckling in agreement, Eun Bi states that her grandmother is now her biggest supporter. At Eun Bi’s talk of only her grandmother, Jin hesitantly asks if Eun Bi’s mother passed away at an early age. Using the familiar form of the word “mother” that Jin uses, perhaps to indicate her lack of resentment toward her mother, Eun Bi repeats, “My mom? She disappeared one day, and my grandmother has taken care of me ever since.”

Eun Bi’s grandmother watches Jin’s father as he fixes her laptop of viruses. She then thanks him, and their conversation switches to Ra Kyung’s visit and how Yoo Jin still doesn’t know about his mother’s illness. Jin’s father sadly comments that in the type of family he’s from, he has to keep it a secret from even his son, who wasn’t able to leave that environment with them.

Back at the hospital, Jin slowly asks, “Then have you forgiven your mother?” Eun Bi clarifies that rather than forgive her mother, she’s just decided to think of her mother as having tried her best for as long as she was possibly able. After all, her mother is a mother. Things must have been extremely unbearable for the mother to leave her only daughter and her own mother behind. She thinks the mother must have tried to stick it out for as long as she could until she could no longer handle the situation. That’s how she’s decided to think of her mother’s disappearance from her life. Jin comments more to himself, “Eun Bi, you’re a good person after all.” Sensing Jin’s conflict, Eun Bi carefully asks if his relationship with his parents is rocky. Jin flashbacks to his college memory of receiving a phone call from his father and trying to reason with his father and mother to not make such a rash decision knowing the grandfather’s temper and personality. Jin asks to speak to his mother, thinking she can talk some sense into the father, but the mother only confirms the father’s decisions, asking Jin to continue with his studies and reminding him that he’s now an adult. Grimacing in pain, unbeknownst to Jin, the mother says her final words of apology and asks him to forgive them and hangs up, silent tears falling down her face. Jin immediately tries to call back but gets forwarded to the voicemail system. Back in the present, Jin makes a comment about the state of parenting. (Sorry, I couldn’t catch what he says.)

Seated inside Kang Hee’s room, Jae Hee emotionlessly answers Kang Hee’s various questions about the musical. She leans over his shoulders and tells him that she hasn’t forgotten a single thing about their relationship. Jae Hee counters that there’s one thing he hasn’t forgotten either—she was the one who abandoned the dream they had together. In turn, Kang Hee reminds him that he was the one who left her. He points out that it was because she refused to leave with him; it was her choice. She clarifies that he also chose—he chose to accept her decision and left. However, she concludes that her choice doesn’t really reflect the heart since she’s never once given up on her feelings for him.

Eun Bi is surprised to learn that Yoo Jin’s parents are down in Daegu. She tells Jin that her family is also in Daegu. She asks what they do down in Daegu. Jin says his father paints since his dream was to be a painter. And since then, he’s never seen them. Eun Bi asks why he hasn’t gone to see them, and Jin explains that it’s because of his grandfather, the chairman of the corporation. Jin flashbacks to his meeting with his grandfather, who rants that if his son wants to abandon his father, then the father can just as easily abandon the son. From here on out, the grandfather won’t have a son. He then asks Jin whether he is to lose a grandson as well. At Jin’s surprise, the grandfather explains that if Jin promises not to see his parents, the grandfather will pay for the rest of his education and provide him with a position within the corporation once he’s done with school. (Wow~the grandfather sure knows how to manipulate.) Back in present time, Jin notices Eun Bi’s disbelief at such an outrageous “deal.” She asks if his family members play poker with each other, a funny comment that causes Jin to almost choke over his drink. She then suggests that Jin can always secretly go down to visit his parents while still maintaining his position with his grandfather. Smiling a bit, Jin asks, “Like taking a leave of absence and lying?” Eun Bi says that when he phrases it like that, she sounds like a person with serious psychological problems. They chuckle together, and this is the scene that Ra Kyung walks into. She stops short, wondering how Jin can so easily laugh when she’s hurt. The doctor, who accompanies her, tells Jin and Eun Bi that Ra Kyung is all cleared to return. Joon Hyuk comes back around this time with a new top for Ra Kyung to wear. As Jin helps Ra Kyung put the red sweater on, Jin and Eun Bi share a look of camaraderie, one that Ra Kyung sees and finds unsettling. (The music that accompanies the end of this scene and begins Kang Hee’s scene with Jae Hee is so reflective of how the man’s heart is leaving the woman…so sad!)

Kang Hee tells Jae Hee that it’s a lie if he tells her that he’s forgotten her. She’s never once forgotten him and that she’s ready to resume their relationship because she’s never ended it. All Jae Hee needs to do is start again with her. Jae Hee tells her that he returned because he was able to put her and their relationship behind him. She argues that his mind may say that he’s over her, but his soul can’t forget the type of love they shared. Jae Hee untangles his hand from her grasp and tells her that when they first broke up, he wondered for months how she could have let go of his hand, but now he understands and has accepted the end of their relationship. As Kang Hee becomes more desperate to convince him, he tells her that he’s in love with Eun Bi, but Kang Hee stops him from finishing his sentence. He persists, though, and tells her that he doesn’t want to kick her out, so she needs to stop. He feels like he can now get on with his life. He then leaves her hotel room, running into Sang Won just getting out of the elevator. He offers Jae Hee coffee, but Jae Hee refuses and tells him that he and Kang Hee are already done. Walking into their hotel room, Sang Won sees the notebook on the couch and imagines for a brief moment Jae Hee and Kang Hee kissing on the couch. Quickly clearing his head, he offers Kang Hee a cup of coffee, but she refuses and walks out of the room to get some fresh air. Sinking down to sit on the arm of the couch, Sang Won calls Frank, a person affiliated with Broadway, and tells him that he’d like to reconsider the offer to produce Count Monte, a Broadway musical for the Korean audience. (Aw…Sang Won’s going to pull strings to save his marriage and keep Kang Hee away from Jae Hee. *Sigh* This is what happens when you try to force your love on someone who’s in love with someone else, Sang Won.)

Outside, Kang Hee calls Eun Bi on the phone, asking her to come see her as soon as she arrives back at the hotel. At the same time, Jae Hee tries to call Eun Bi but can’t get through. (I guess Eun Bi doesn’t have call-waiting.) Kang Hee looks calculatedly at Jae Hee’s window as she finishes her phone call. As Eun Bi ends her call with Kang Hee, Jin comments that she seems to be getting along with Kang Hee. His use of the familiar form (casual Korean language) surprises Ra Kyung and causes her unease to see how comfortable Jin has become with Eun Bi; she can already sense a connection Jin is forming with Eun Bi. Seeking reassurance and perhaps to remind him of her own presence, she reaches for Jin’s hand. Jin, unaware of her growing discomfort with his relationship with Eun Bi, smiles and clasps her hand. Jae Hee finally succeeds in getting through to Eun Bi, but she cuts the conversation short by telling him that she’ll call him back since she can’t really talk right now. (yeah, she's in a car full of interested ears LOL) He then texts her to meet him as soon as she returns. She ignores his text.

Yoo Jae (Yoo Jin's shady cousin) entertains two investors from the fund at a bar and starts to plant seeds of doubt that Yoo Jin may not be making the wisest decisions, casting an unknown in the main role.

As the car returns to the hotel and Eun Bi takes her leave of Jin and rushes to meet Kang Hee, Jae Hee tries to reach her again and she again ignores his call. Ra Kyung comments to Jin as Eun Bi leaves that he seems more comfortable with her and that she was concerned previously that he wouldn’t get along with her. Jin agrees that he’s more at ease with her now and that he may have misunderstood her at the beginning.

Eun Bi meets Kang Hee, who tells Eun Bi about her relationship with Jae Hee and how she loves him. The show flashes back to the conversation as Eun Bi’s left sitting on the bench alone after her conversation. Eun Bi taps out the tune that she used on Jae Hee when she asked him to go easy on her the other night as she remembers the conversation. In the flashback, Kang Hee tells her that she and Jae Hee were even engaged with a wedding date. She comments that Jae Hee is like a whirlwind, doing what he likes. She couldn’t help but love a man who created such beautiful songs for her and made her shine on stage. However, Sang Won cautioned her against such a relationship. Kang Hee then uses her relationship with Eun Bi as leverage and tells her that she hopes they can remain good relations; she wants to be the only woman in Jae Hee's heart. (Ugh, so NOT liking her right now!)

Yoo Jae continues to plant seeds of doubt in the mind of the two investors.

The cast and crew continue in their group bonding with games, and Eun Bi tries to subtly avoid Jae Hee as Yoo Jin watches. Ra Kyung notices Jin's interested observation. Meanwhile, Sang Won continues with his dealings with Frank from his balcony, watching Kang Hee’s marked interest in Jae Hee and Eun Bi.

At his home, Yoo Jae explains his plan to topple Yoo Jin to his father.

Eun Bi, now a bit drunk, takes part in the dancing and pointedly ignores Jae Hee as he tries to tell her how he feels. Unconcerned with the audience around them, Eun Bi goes to drink a bit more and tells Jae Hee she doesn’t want to hear anything from him other than the business concerning the musical. As he and Eun Bi’s conversation gets a bit out of control, Yoo Jin gets up from his seat to help her. Ra Kyung watches them leave while Joon Hyuk watches Ra Kyung, and Kang Hee just takes in the entire scene in pleasure. ( many sides how this love polygon have right now? Is it a love pentagon? Yikes!)

Yoo Jin takes Eun Bi to her hotel room and tries to get her comfortably situated in her drunken state as Eun Bi screams for Hong Jae Hee to stay away from her. Once she’s calm and seated against the bed, Yoo Jin asks if she’s having a difficult time. She pours out her concerns that all she really wanted to do was perform in a musical, but the harder she tries, the harder it gets with other people in the picture. As Eun Bi cries, Yoo Jin imagines putting his arms around her shoulder and comforting her, telling her in casual Korean to hang in there. However, he resists the urge; the only telling sign of his desire to conformt is his twitching fingers, which he clasps together on his lap. When Bok Ja returns with some cold water, he leaves Eun Bi in her care. Bok Ja bids him goodnight but then wonders how Yoo Jin fits into this whole love triangle. (LOL…I love how that woman!)

Walking outside, Jin passes Jae Hee and tells him what Eun Bi said to him. Jin further explains that for someone like Eun Bi to say that she’s having a difficult time, she really must be having a rough time. He reports that she asked him to keep Jae Hee away from her. Jae Hee replies that he understands Jin’s point and will leave Eun Bi alone. (Make sure to check out Jae Hee's dialogue when the subs come out...the man is ever the master with words.)

Ra Kyung waits outside for Jin to return.

Sang Won sees Kang Hee returning to her room and comments that she seems to be in high spirits. She agrees. (Who wouldn’t when things are going her way?) Sang Won goes to meet Yoo Jin and tells him about the offer from Frank. Jin speaks directly to Frank via teleconferencing and discusses the merits of the situation with Sang Won. Basically, in order to produce with exclusive rights in Asia the Broadway musical, Jin would have to pass on the Gumiho project, at least for the time being since producing both would be too costly. However, the chance to exclusive produce a Broadway hit in Korea and Asia is something he can't really afford to easily pass up either.

Eun Bi sees Jae Hee, who’s sulking/reflecting in the auditorium. Although feeling extremely awkward, she tells him that she was drunk but that she remembers enough of what happened. Jae Hee asks carefully if he’s made her mad. She shakes her head. He confirms, though, that she’s avoiding him. She nods in agreement. She tells him that she’s like to simply maintain an actress-writer relationship with him. Jae Hee, ever the master with words, concludes that she’s thought of him as more than a writer. (LOL) Exasperated at his interpretation, she grimaces at him. He laughs in triumph that he’s finally able to see her face and gets her to smile.

Yoo Jin struggles inside the conference room what to do.

Eun Bi tells Jae Hee that she really respects Kang Hee and that she wants to do as her idol asks, which is to leave Jae Hee alone so that Kang Hee is the only woman in his heart. Jae Hee wisely points out that she nor Kang Hee can do anything to change his heart. That’s his decision. Besides, he adds, if their relationship were so close, would Eun Bi really be the one telling him this instead of Kang Hee. Asking her if she only wants to focus on the musical, he strokes her head and tells her then to work hard on the musical. If she continues, it’ll only be a matter of time before she’s bewitched by him and his musical. (LOL…This man is incorrigible! He’s got a way with words, that’s for sure.)

Washing up for the evening, Ra Kyung sees the red sweater that Joon Hyuk bought her and texts Jin: “I guess you still have a lot of work left. Don’t push yourself too hard. Good night.”

Jae Hee asks incredulously if Eun Bi’s really going to stay longer in the auditorium. He tries to woo her outside with offers of a drink, which she declines in light of her earlier bout with alcohol. He then leans close to her as she sits on the piano and tells her that text messages are not meant to be chewed (Korean slang for ignored), favored and then digested. Next time, she should answer his texts. She agrees and bids him good night. Of course, Jae Hee being Jae Hee tries to stay behind but hurriedly tells her he’s leaving when she threatens to leave so that he can have the auditorium then. He bids her goodnight, saying that he can sleep soundly now that he’s seen her smile. Once alone, Eun Bi proceeds to practice.

In the Han’s hotel room, Sang Won tells Kang Hee the good news about the new development regarding the musical. Excited by the prospect of performing the lead in a celebrated Broadway musical yet concerned about the state of Jae Hee’s musical, she bids her husband good night.

Eun Bi takes a walk outside the hotel and comes upon Yoo Jin, who is seated on a bench deep in thought. As she bows, scenes of Ra Kyung, Kang Hee, and Jae Hee out on their respsective balconies are shown. Yoo Jin asks Eun Bi why she’s bowing. She says it’s in apology. Yoo Jin then asks her to be his walking partner then if she’s sorry. She bows again. Chuckling, Jin asks if this time it’s an “excuse me” bow. Eun Bi corrects him and says that it’s a “thank you” bow, that it is due to him that she’s able to come this far. Yoo Jin comments that he seems to remember being more of an antagonist. Eun Bi quickly agrees that he was at first, and Jin repeats “At first, huh?” She then quickly explains that she has a difficult time lying. Yoo Jin merely gives her a questioning look as they both recall how they first met: Eun Bi lying that she was a man in order to be a part of a musical. As they start their walk, Ra Kyung and Jae Hee go back inside from their balconies while Kang Hee is the only one to see Eun Bi and Yoo Jin walk together. She smiles and walks back inside. Yoo Jin asks Eun Bi if she’s not able to act in the Gumiho musical, then…at Eun Bi’s startled look, Jin hedges that things are rarely settled in the musical world. Eun Bi asks if something has happened. The episode freezes on Eun Bi's concerned face.

Teaser of Episode 7:
1. Kang Hee seeks Yoo Jin out to discuss the Broadway musical. In the process, she comments that the person in love is the last person to become aware of his own emotions.
2. Jae Hee and Kang Hee talk, and she comments that even though he asked her to stop, she’s not the one stopping. He asks her what she’s talking about.

Musings for Today: Change of URL Address

Hi everyone,
I'm glad to hear that you're all enjoying the recaps to A Thousand Kisses and The Musical. I love sharing my love of Korean dramas with you and have you appreciate them so much. :) On my down times, I enjoy reading through the comments you leave as they motivate me to keep recapping for you. Although the recapping itself can sometimes be time-consuming, it's also a nice break from my academic work and helps keep me sane.

Anyhow, I've been told--and I agree--that the URL to this blog is a bit difficult to remember at times, especially since none of you know my dog (Bentley) who inspired the blog name. So within the next few days, I'm going to be changing it to I think that address, although long, will be easier for you all to remember as it's the title of my blog. I'll probably change it Monday in order to give many of you a chance to read this and note the change.

Also, you may have noticed that the layout is different. A friend mentioned that the blog looked a bit...blah for lack of a better word, so I'm trying this new design out. Let me know what you think.

Tomorrow (or rather today since it's now past midnight) is Friday, which means other than TGIF...drum roll...The Musical day! heh heh. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Eun Bi's and Jae Hee's relationship develops in tomorrow's episode and whether Jin fully enters the love triangle. I'm hoping to recap episode 6 before I leave for church tomorrow evening so stay tuned!

Good night!

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Thousand Kisses Episode 15 Teaser

I'm unable to recap Episode 14 as I had hoped tonight (it's past 1AM here in California, and I need to get up early tomorrow), so I decided to at least recap the teaser to episode least it's something, right? I'm gearing up for midterms again and have another set of papers to grade before class tomorrow, so the recap to episode 14 will have to wait until I have time to watch the episode at a later time...*sigh* Reality is a demanding task-master. On a positive note, the delay makes the viewing of the episodes all that much sweeter. LOL

Without further ado, the teaser:
1. Hye Bin's voice is heard asking Woo Bin if he's dating a married woman as a scene of Woo Bin trying to sit next to Joo Young on the bus is shown.
2. Joon Hee gives Chan Ho a present and explains to Tae Kyung's mother that Chan Ho should know about her since Joo Young knows, too. The mother and Tae Kyung look at Joon Hee in exasperation.
3. Joo Young answers Yoo Kyung's question, telling her that Woo Bin is neither her boyfriend nor her husband much to Yoo Kyung's delight. (I'm REALLY starting to loathe that woman...I just don't understand her motivation for wanting Woo Bin back.)
4. Woo Jin's mother lies in bed and Joo Mi and Joo Young come to visit and wish her a speedy recovery.
5. Woo Bin's mother tells Woo Jin's mother that if she's able to live like this after ruining a young woman's life (meaning her younger sister), then Woo Jin's mother has done fairly well for herself.
6. Joo Young struggles to complete her competition submission and Yoo Kyung's voice is heard stermly reminding Joo Young that she was to take complete responsibility for everything related to her shoe.
7. Joo Mi and Woo Jin are seated at a cafe, and Joo Mi tells him that she's going on an overnight business trip to Jeju Island. Woo Jin asks if she's "going with that photographer, just the two of them?" Joo Mi brightly answers yes. Woo Jin gets up from his seat, plants his hands on the table, and demands that she resigns immediately. (Ah, the green-headed monster rears its head again! heh heh) Joo Mi rises from her seat as well and counters that she won't resign. (I see the beginnings of their first lovers' quarrel...*happy-sad sigh* looking forward to episode 15 but first, I need to see episode 14, huh? LOL)

Anyhow, that's the recap of the teaser...stay tuned for episode 14 recap. I should definitely have episode 14 done by Friday; otherwise, I'll get behind with The Musical Episode 6, which airs this Friday! On that note, I bid you all good night....

A Thousand Kisses Episode 14 Recap and Link

Episode 14:

Recap: Thanks for all the kind words and your patience while waiting for this episode's recap. I hope the recap is deemed well worth the wait. :) I even tried to translate Woo Bin and Joo Young's dialogue in detail since some of you were dying to know what that conversation was all way of making the wait sweeter, I suppose. :) On a side note, it turns out that the scandal with Woo Jin's stepmother involved Woo Bin's mother's younger brother, not sister as I originally wrote. Because the drama used the Korean work for younger sibling, which is gender neutral, I assumed it was a younger sister, not a younger brother. Now we know that the scandal involved Woo Bin's mother's younger brother who immigrated in the midst of his studies as a consequence of falling in love with his professor's wife. Anyhow, without further ado, here's the recap in all its "glory" LOL:

The episode resumes with the Woo family climbing up the stairs of the restaurant to meet the Jang family. As introductions are made, Woo Jin’s mother looks upon Joo Young with contained emotion while the grandmother sits stoically silent.

Meanwhile, the aunt grandmother vents and rants at home as she packs up her belongings to leave. Going into the kitchen, she drowns her sorrows with a bottle of soju (Korean hard liquor).

Back at the restaurant, the two families draw the meal to a close with dessert. As Woo Jin’s father asks whether they enjoyed the meal, Soo Ah says aloud that she didn’t particularly enjoy the traditional Korean meal. Joo Young and Joo Mi find her comment cute and smile together. As the elders continue in their talk, Soo Ah keeps speaking inappropriately, much to the amusement of Joo Mi and her sister, and Soo Ah apologies for her inappropriate comments. The grandmother then mentions that Joo Mi may not know much because she was raised by a grandmother but that she hopes the Jangs would teach Joo Mi what she doesn’t know. At this, Joo Mi waves her hands over her face to cool herself, whispering when Joo Young cautions her to behave, that this means she’s going to suffer as a new daughter-in-law. (LOL That would be interesting to see, Joo Mi suffering under the hands of her biological mother as a hard-driving mother-in-law) Soo Ah asks loudly what the two sisters are talking about. The father apologizes for Soo Ah's comments and says that Soo Ah is sometimes lacking in polite etiquette because she was born to them in their old age. He then asks how they should deal with the engagement. At this, the grandmother flinches a bit and then says that she’ll follow their lead. (She’s a bit concerned about expenses since in Korea, the bride’s side takes care of the engagement.)

The Woo family returns home to find the aunt grandmother drunk and still drinking. The grandmother tells the aunt grandmother that if she really wants, she can leave since she came here freely as well. The aunt grandmother tries to give her farewell bow to the grandmother but only manages to tumble down the stairs. She wails in her pain and suddenly says that she thinks she hears a creak and that she’s dying. (LOL…as much as this character annoys me at times, she does have her comedic moments.)

Woo Jin’s mother calls Woo Bin’s mother to let her know how the pre-wedding family meeting went. After hearing about the meeting, Woo Bin’s mother offers her help if Woo Jin’s mother needs assistance with anything. Woo Bin’s father comes in and asks his wife what they should give as a wedding gift, and the father thinks about paying for the honeymoon, something big since it’s the first wedding in the family.

Back at Woo Jin’s house, his father wonders what must still be bothering Joo Mi’s grandmother since she looked pensive and unhappy during the meal. Woo Jin’s mother tries to allay his concerns but looks worried herself once she leaves her husband’s presence. (Poor mom...she has to deal with the constant fear of her secret getting out and her former mother-in-law's disapproval.)

Woo Bin calls Joo Young to find out how Joo Mi’s pre-wedding family meeting went and then asks her out for a meal. When she refuses, he switches tactics and asks her to buy him a meal then. She still resists, saying that she has to help her grandmother with dinner. At her continued refusal, he asks her to speak to him kindly, no warmly, he modifies because he feels like she’s so distant with him. He then says that her refusal to meet him will give him a good reason to take his employees out for dinner. (Poor guy…gotta give him props for trying and still keeping a bright face about it.)

Woo Jin returns from taking Joo Mi home, and the father asks about the engagement. Woo Jin comments that he thinks the hesitation on the grandmother's part might be due to the expenses since the bride’s side usual takes care of the engagement. The father then declares that they don’t need to have the engagement ceremony if it’s a burden for them.

Joo Mi washes her face at home and receives a phone call from Woo Jin’s mother who asks to meet with Joo Mi and Joo Young.

Meeting with the two girls, the mother drinks in the sight of her daughters, especially Joo Young. Suppressing her emotions, the mother offers up a silent prayer of thanksgiving that her girls were able to grow up so well without their mother. She then asks why Joo Young’s husband wasn’t there at the pre-wedding family meeting and is saddened to hear that her daughter is divorced. Recovering from the shock that her daughter had to deal with the hardship of a divorce, especially without a mother to comfort her, she asks after Joo Young and makes sure that Joo Young is doing well even on her own. Afterwards, the mother takes the girls for shopping, claiming that she wants to buy Joo Mi an outfit and then tells Joo Young to pick something out for herself, too. (How sad that she has to use subterfuge to buy her daughters pretty clothes.) As they shop, a salesclerk comes by and compliments them on what a pretty picture they make, a mother with her two daughters. The mother is inwardly pleased while Joo Young explains that she’s not their mother but her sister’s future mother-in-law. The clerk insists that they look like family.

The girls return home and show their aunt grandmother their new clothes. Inside the kitchen, the grandmother fumes as she hears their exclaims of what a good time they had and how nice Woo Jin’s mother was to them. The grandmother stalks into her bedroom and calls Woo Jin’s mother. She sternly warns her to not play the mother to the girls because she won’t have it and hangs up. Woo Jin’s mother reels in shock at the verbal attack and stumbles over to her husband to give him his shower, making a few mistakes with his bath in her shock. (I get the feeling the woman is in for a mental breakdown if this level of stress keeps up.)

Soo Ah calls for her brother to hurry up and then asks how much he’s going to give her for her efforts in coordinating his outfit. He asks how much he should give her. She retorts that she’s not an amateur, and he replies that she's not a professional either. (LOL). She says she’s semi-pro and helps to pay for her tuition. Taking him to the department store, she dresses him up in leather jacket, to his great embarrassment. He tells her that this outfit is too much. She then has him try something different—a letterman’s jacket style outfit—and he says that this is the same as the last one. Soo Ah gets confused with the Korean term Woo Jin uses and they discuss the term’s usage for a bit. Woo Jin laughs at his younger sister’s thinking (Is it safe to say that Soo Ah is lacking a bit in the intellectual compartment? Or am I being mean? LOL)

Woo Jin looks over his outfit as he waits for Joo Mi to come out. When she comes outside and sees him, she does a double-take at his outfit. (LOL...her reaction is hilarious) Helpless to do much but laugh, she tells him he looks fine. He tells her that Soo Ah helped him pick out the outfit because Soo Ah didn’t want him to be teased by Joo Mi's friends for being older. Joo Mi, laughing, tells him that people her age don’t dress like that. His unease higher now, he asks if he should change. She reassures him that he’s fine as he is. (Nice fiancé to try to put her sweetheart at ease, although I cringe at the reception he’s going to receive in that INSANE outfit. LOL)

Seated at the meeting place with Joo Mi’s friends, Woo Jin listens in as Joo Mi’s friends tease her about how this Woo Jin does not look at all like the ahjussi (old man) Woo Jin they heard about. They then ask him to pour them a glass of wine, hand them a slice of cheese, etc. Joo Mi good-heartedly threatens them to watch out because she’ll return them this favor in spades once they get engaged. Woo Jin tries to stay calm, wiping his forehead and adjusting his jacket. (Poor guy. I bet this is more unnerving than a Spanish inquisition.)

Woo Jin excuses himself to go to the restroom and is unexpectedly noticed by his uncle there (an interesting place for guys to meet, huh?). The uncle, barely believing his eyes at such an oddly dressed Woo Jin, sneaks up behind Woo Jin in glee and knees him in the butt as Woo Jin washes his hands. Surprised to find his uncle there of all places, especially while he's dressed like that, he greets the uncle and then endures his uncle’s teasings about how Woo Jin looks like a kpop idol. (LOL) Embarrassed, he follows the uncle out to greet his aunt as well. They ask if he goes around dressed like this, and he quickly says that this is the first time. The uncle then whips out his phone to snap a photo of Woo Jin, who grimaces yet poses with a peace sign for the camera. (LOL…his expression is PRICELESS! I’m seriously laughing out loud as I type. I don’t even think Woo Jin realizes right now who else is going to be seeing him dressed like this. After all, the uncle now has him on digital film and will probably show his kids. LOL) He tells them he’ll get Joo Mi so that she can say hi to them, too. They tell him to not bother her while she’s with friends since they’re about to leave anyway.

Woo Jin returns, glad that he’s no longer in such an awkward situation only to be thrown into a more embarrassing one. As he sits down, the friends ask him when their first kiss was. (LOL…seriously, his expressions are PRICELESS! You’ve got to check them out…Ryu Jin does this look so well. LOL heh heh) With his face red (especially since they haven't kissed yet), he assures Joo Mi that he’s all right when Joo Mi tells her friends to stop teasing him.

Returning to his house, the uncle shows Hye Bin and Woo Jin the photo of Woo Jin. (LOL) The entire family has a good chuckle over the usually serious and formally-attired Woo Jin dressed like that.

Outside Joo Mi’s house, Joo Mi and Woo Jin attempt to have their first kiss...make that also Woo Jin's first kiss ever, I'm thinking. Joo Mi simply closes her eyes and waits for the kiss, but Woo Jin keeps bumping noses. After two unsuccessful attempts, he finally tilts his head enough to kiss her without bumping noses but is still unable to kiss her because of a phone call; just as they are about to kiss, the phone rings, causing them to jump apart as though they’ve been caught doing something illicit (LOL…it’s hilarious how Woo Jin pats himself down to try to find his phone while Joo Mi tries to look normal.) Answering the phone, Woo Jin’s face hardens as he realizes it’s Woo Bin on the other line, calling to tease him about the outfit. Quietly in clenched teeth, Woo Jin warns Woo Bin to stop joking around. (LOL. LOVE their cousin relationship!). Exasperated at the situation and at the fact that they were foiled in their attempts to kiss for the first time, they merely smile and enjoy each other’s company, albeit a bit awkwardly. ( sweet!)

The next morning at work, Joo Young is asked to say the morning speech, a time when one employee shares his/her thoughts. Yoo Kyung walks in to join them during the meeting and listens with irritation as Joo Young wisely says that people often only focus on four-leaf clovers because they bring luck, but she wants to share the three-leaf clover with the staff because it brings happiness. The four-leave clover may have gotten her into the company, but she hopes the three-leaf clover will bring happiness as she works there with the staff. The staff applaud her wise words. A co-worker comments that Yoo Kyung is then Joo Young’s four-leaf clover since she selected Joo Young, causing Yoo Kyung to smile. However, Joo Young's friend clarifies that it’s really Joo Young’s skill that got her into the firm, causing Yoo Kyung’s smugness to turn to irritation. (LOL. I love how the friend is always trying to look out for Joo Young.)

Woo Bin and his co-worker discuss one of their player’s performance. Woo Bin then meets the player separately and asks him to be honest with him about his life since Woo Bin can’t help him unless Woo Bin knows what’s adversely affecting his performance.

Later that evening, Joo Young receives a call from Woo Bin as she works late. He asks her if she’s had dinner yet, and she tells him that she’ll eat at home. When he asks her to eat dinner with him then, she repeats that she’ll eat at home and hangs up. Woo Bin stares at the phone a bit and then soothes his heart as if to comfort it in its dejected state. (Poor Woo Bin…hang in there, WooB! She’ll come around.)

At Tae Kyung’s house, Joon Hee comes in and asks him for a dish of pigs feet because the baby wants it and he should do his fatherly duty to the baby. (LOL. She’s such a schemer that I don’t know whether to hate her or applaud her for maximizing her opportunities. It’s so sad how she’s clinging so desperately to a man who has no interest in her now.) As Tae Kyung stomps out of the house to get her the pigs feet, Joon Hee tells Tae Kyung’s mom not to sleep yet since Tae Kyung is going to buy them a midnight snack.

Having finished her work for the evening, Joo Young walks out of the building to find Woo Bin waiting expectantly for her in the front. (Love the nod of his head when he sees her.) Okay, so for those of you who wanted to know in detail the conversation, I’ll translate (This makes the wait a bit more worthwhile, right? ;)

WB: I’m hungry so buy me dinner quickly. I had a drink, so I took a taxi here.

JY: I told you I was going to have dinner at home.

WB: Then you can change your mind.

JY: Why are you acting like a child? You should go home to eat dinner, too.

WB: I just told you I’m hungry. Don’t you pity me? (She keeps walking) Why are you becoming more distant with me?

JY: Why do you think I’m acting this way?

WB: (knowing the answer says as if he's speaking for Joo Young) Don’t try to get close. (Joo Young walks away and waits for the bus.) I had a drink, so I didn’t bring my car. (She ignores him.) I’m really hungry. (She continues to ignore him and climbs into the bus. He follows her onboard and sits behind her since Joo Young sits next to a woman to prevent him from sitting next to her. He tries to look sad and pathetic as he rests his arm on her chair. LOL) I’m so hungry.

When the woman leaves, Woo Bin gets up to sit next to her and then quickly puts his bag on the seat when it looks like another woman’s going to sit down. He then pulls out headphones and has her listen to music with him. He trails after her as she swiftly walks home and enters without a single word to him. He stops, startled that she would go inside without even wishing him a goodnight or speak to him. Joo Young stands out in her yard and tries to calm her tumultuous emotions while Woo Bin stands woodenly outside her house trying to comfort himself, too.

He returns home to find his mother crying over the death of her younger brother, who immigrated to the United States to get away from the scandal of having had an affair with his professor’s wife. He died in a car accident, survived by his wife and child. Woo Bin’s mother cries and blames Woo Jin’s mother for his death, claiming that he left for the states as if he were being chased out. The father tries to get her to quiet down for the sake of their children who can hear everything from outside.

The next morning, Woo Bin takes his mother to the airport and then reports for work.

Meanwhile, Joo Young continues to work on her shoe design, trying on shoes at a local department store to better gauge the fit of her shoes. She sketches a design to reflect her discoveries.

Out on a soccer field, Woo Bin plays soccer with one of his players in an attempt to alleviate the hurt from Joo Young’s continued rejection of his pursuit. In the process, he reinjures his weak knee from his professional days. The player runs to get medicine and sprays it on his knees. Woo Bin woodenly says that it hurts. Thinking he means his knee, the player sprays more medicine on the injury. Woo Bin clarifies that it’s his heart that hurts and can the player spray his heart as well. (Aw…poor WooB.) The player is confused and asks if Woo Bin has hurt his chest as well.

Joo Young receives a call from Tae Kyung, asking her to meet him at her café near her company. He gives her two tickets to the soccer game and tells her to take Chan Ho to the soccer game since he can’t. He then tells her that he’s sorry about the way he’s treated her and offers her child support for Chan Ho and then promises to pay her alimony as soon as he can.

Chan Ho dances for joy at the thought of a soccer game and then calls his father to thank him for the tickets. When Tae Kyung’s mother says that Tae Kyung should take Chan Ho to the soccer game, Tae Kyung smiles and says, with a mischievous laugh, that he has things to do. When Joon Hee tries to coerce Tae Kyung into going out for a drive with her, the mother rebukes her, much to Tae Kyung’s delight.

Woo Jin’s mother takes Joo Mi to visit Woo Jin’s biological mother’s resting place and introduces Joo Mi to the mother, telling Joo Mi that Woo Jin lost his mother at a young age of 15.

Joo Young and Chan Ho enter the soccer stadium, and Tae Kyung follows them in anticipation and glee. Sneaking up behind them, Tae Kyung calls out to Chan Ho and tells Joo Young that his meeting got canceled when she asks what he’s doing here. Woo Bin happens to walk by, and Chan Ho calls out for him. Tae Kyung asks who he is, and Chan Ho explains he’s the man who got him the autographed soccer jersey. Woo Bin walks over to say hi to Chan Ho and reluctantly greets Tae Kyung, who puts on a show of being with his family and how he's the husband and father of that family. As Woo Bin leaves, he looks back to see Joo Young look after him, but in his pain, he doesn’t register her gaze since Chan Ho yanks her to him just at that moment. He drives away, speeding up in his frustration.

Joo Mi and Woo Jin’s mother return to Woo Jin’s house, and Joo Mi looks longingly at Soo Ah’s relationship with the mother. As Joo Mi confesses that the word “mother” is awkward for her and that she longs for such a relationship, too, Woo Jin’s mother tenderly enfolds her in a hug and tells her that she’ll be a mother to Joo Mi, that she wants to be like a mother to Joo Mi. (*sigh* If only that can happen without anyone's interference. *sigh*)

Dropping Chan Ho and Joo Young off at their house, Tae Kyung cheerfully bids Chan Ho goodnight. Joo Young tells Tae Kyung sternly not to arrange another situation like today’s again. She doesn’t mind Tae Kyung spending time with Chan Ho, but she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.

The next morning, Woo Bin’s mother returns from the funeral, and the father tries to console her by telling her the living must keep living and that he’s glad the funeral went smoothly. He apologizes that he couldn’t go with her because of work and that she should take care not to get sick.

Joo Young receives a phone call from Woo Bin. Debating whether to answer the phone call, she recalls what he once told her: “Why do you run freely through my mind without my permission? How are you standing here? At this time? At this resort? On this road? How are you standing here? I’ve never kept anyone waiting for one hour and 36 minutes. Do you have the confidence to not regret your decision? I’m Popeye. Make sure you win the grand prize. Woo Joo Young, fighting! I don’t know myself how my heart’s become like this, but don’t avoid me. Clearing her mind of thoughts of Woo Bin, she chooses to ignore his phone call. Waiting outside her house, Woo Bin becomes increasingly frustrated and angry at her continued silence. He charges inside her house and asks to see her when the grandmothers greet him as the young man who helped them on the road. Joo Young quickly runs out to the yard and tells him that she doesn’t have time to meet him today. Woo Bin apologizes to the grandmothers and then drags her outside for a talk.

Once outside at the playground, Woo Bin asks her if she has to act like this when he knows how she feels. He’s already frustrated and hurting after seeing the three of them (her with her ex-husband and Chan Ho as a family) yesterday at the soccer field. At his mention of the soccer outing, Joo Young tells him to stop pursuing her. She’s thinking of reconciling with Chan Ho’s father. (*sigh* Joo Young, must you fabricate lies now to try to get Woo Bin to stop his pursuit?) At this, Woo Bin bursts out, “Are you crazy?! Knowing what that man’s done to you?” Joo Young tells him to mind his business because this is her life and walks away. In shock and utter frustration, Woo Bin can only look at her retreat back.

Woo Bin’s mother meets with Woo Jin’s stepmother at a café. When Woo Jin’s mother asks why Woo Bin’s mother wanted to meet her outside, Woo Bin’s mother throws cold water on her sister-in-law’s face.

(Whew~done! Hope you enjoyed! Off I go to work now...too bad I can't blog for a living, huh?)

A Thousand Kisses Episode 13 Recap and Link

Hi everyone! Glad to hear that many of you are enjoying the drama and the recaps. :) Unfortunately, I lost my window of opportunity to recap this morning.  I'll work on it as soon as I can so stay tuned!

Episode 13:
The episode resumes with Woo Bin congratulating Joo Young with a hug and softly saying, “I mustn’t lose an opportunity.” Then grabbing her hands, he takes her out to his car and ushers her inside. As she settles herself in the car, Tae Kyung gets out of his car with a bouquet of flowers to congratulate her. Seeing her with another man, he staggers against the car in disbelief and calls her cell phone. Telling her that he’s in front of building where she’s won the competition and that he’s just driven into the parking lot to congratulate her when he saw her getting into someone’s car, he asks who this man is since he’s never met this man before. She says that it’s none of his business and hangs up.

High Kick 3: Counterattack of the Short Legs Episode Links (Week 3)

Episode 10:
Episode 11:
Episode 12:
Episode 13:
Episode 14: no broadcast