Sunday, March 13, 2011

SKKS OST Bargain!

Hi everyone,
I was just doing some web surfing before heading off to bed when I decided to visit an old site I haven't visited in ages:  I was so excited that I wanted to share this piece of information with those of you who are interested in purchasing some music for listening in your cars or wherever.  The website has a website for US and Canada shipping and then a separate one for "global" shipping to other countries.  Just type ""

In any case, they are having a massive clearance right now. I just purchased the SKKS OST for $3.99 and the Boys Over flowers Part 2 OST for $3.99!  I think if you spend $39, the shipping is free, too, so I treated myself to a way early birthday treat and got the Shin Seung Heun Masterpiece Collection ($6.99) and 2AM CD ($4.99) and a few other items to bring up the total for free shipping.  Needless to say, whenever I watch the dramas, I'm really bad with learning the title of songs, so this will be a great way for me to learn them as I listen to the CDs on my way to and from work. 

Now I'd really better get to bed.  It's 2AM, and I've got a 6:30AM morning call.  :P  Good night, everyone!  Hope this news makes some of you as happy as it did me!  Until next time!


  1. someone's a litto michus about the cds! :D haha!

  2. WoW!.... well spent!!!! Twinkie ^,^;;.....and......
    Many Happy Return in advance..... 21s again!!!
    Thank you the info....
    Have a nice day..XXX

  3. Have you been watching The Thorn Birds. I can't look away. I don't think someone can be put through the ringer like that over and over again and not be bitter and angry. At some point you just have to choke people. You would go to jail but you can only do so much to me before I snap.

  4. @sarratiger: I actually have not been watching anything since I finished Dream High...I celebrate Easter and for the Lent Season this year, I gave up watching Korean dramas until Easter. I know, a bit shocking, huh? LOL.

    Anyhow, my taste in Korean dramas tend toward less heavy drama shows like SKKS, My Princess, etc. Looking at the previews, I knew The Thorn Birds was going to be a tear-jerker, and I can't stand all the D-R-A-M-A in those heavy duty drama I stayed far, far away. :D Right now, I am just patiently waiting on City Hunter. I hope that the show lives up to the hype, or I will be sorely disappointed as I'm sure a number of you will be as well.

    In the meanwhile, I'm trying to stay caught up with grading and the rest of work so that I can freely recap once City Hunter starts. :) And one of these days, I will sit down for a few hours and pound out the next installment of my story, too. Until then, enjoy The Thorn Birds! ;)

  5. Yeah!! me too.... light-drama,please>_~!
    ... can't wait to see Lee Min-ho....seem to forget his face.... LOL
    Have a good day....
    Thank you Twinkie
