Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thanks and Link to Episode 14

Thanks for all the good luck wishes on my midterms! However, I didn’t realize until people started leaving me encouraging messages about exams that many of you think I’m a student, which is understandable considering that most people don’t stress about midterms unless they are students. LOL. When I said that I was going to be busy due to midterms, I was actually referring to the time that I would be spending writing and grading midterms. You see, I’m not a college student but an English teacher at a college, albeit a young one. :) Nevertheless, thank you! I appreciate the warm wishes; it’s nice to know that the people I’ve come to know through SKKS/this blog are so sweet and supportive. I’m currently teaching 5 classes, so my midterm period actually lasts for about 2 weeks...lovely, huh? :P However, I still plan on taking my much-needed breaks (my guilty pleasure) and watch/summary when I can.

So far, I’ve enjoyed summarizing/translating SKKS episodes and communicating with some of you through this blog and may continue to do so even after SKKS is over with whatever new drama that catches my interest. As I’m currently working on translating my father’s autobiography from Korean to English, the summarizing I do for SKKS has been a great learning experience for me; any mistakes or unpolished translations on this blog, as embarrassing as they may be, are proving to be quite useful lessons for me.

Anyhow, I’ve rambled enough…here’s the link to episode 14. The word out on the Internet is that there are many (MANY) tender moments between Moon Jae Shin and Kim Yoon Shik! Can’t wait to watch and summarize for you all! I hope you enjoy!


  1. I am so excited for you to translate when you can! Excited is actually an understatement to be honest. I swear I was slowly dying waiting for the subs for ep 11 & 12, so when I found your blog, it was like a miracle. Hahah. I appreciate your blog so much. Have fun marking exams :P

  2. I didnt know that there's such a good thing over numerous useless tricking trash site! I would love to join yall. And really appreciate ur work, teacher!

  3. LOLzzz - A Teacher, huh? Totally got me there!!! Here is a wish from the team - Students --- Go easy on ur students, lol... Will be waiting for ur summary! Thanx

  4. Oh, so you are a teacher. XD That's cool. Well, still good luck with the midterms. Writing and grading them must be hard as well. :)

    ''...many (MANY) tender moments between Moon Jae Shin and Kim Yoon Shik''?!?!. Kyaaaaa! How I waited for that! <3<3<3 When you'll have a bit time to summarize, could you first do those scenes? Pretty please with cherry on top? *puppy eyes*

    I'm so gonna watch those scenes a few times. *runs off to watch*

  5. Thank you so much for the recap. BEST birthday gift ever. UNIVERSE, I thank you! As a teacher, you sound like an AWESOME one . . . maybe like Prof Jung. Also, translating your Father's autobio, I am impressed. You sound young as well. For our guilty pleasure, thanks again for taking the time. As for my English, let us not get into that. GOOD LUCK and may SUCCESS shine in your endeavors!

  6. LOL oh okay well I guess that's why you can write/summarize the episodes so well LOL. Anyways thanks for the recaps!!

  7. I guess everyone thought you were a student, me included. I can't believe you have time to summarize these episodes with your 5 classes and all. You are either very crazy or very diligent. Either way, I am glad you are taking a little time out of your busy schedule to help ease all of us Korean Drama addicts. =]

  8. Thank you so much for recap.

  9. thank you for the link media...
    it's really help me...
    and also your summary really really help me...
    have a nice day

  10. thank you so much!!! good luck on grading the midterms and i hope you summarize more and more of this drama! i'm in love with it! thanks again! :]

  11. Song-saeng Twinkie-chan *bows* Mianhamida... hehehe gomen gomen, me too thought you're a student neee... *glad sigh* what a wonderful world, an English teacher, a classics and a law student, and God knows who are Dramabeans SKKS recaps team.. all kind-heartedly and selflessly share lovely summaries and recaps with all SKKS fan. God Bless you all!
    Again dear Twinkie-chan you're my life saver today, cause now I can focus standby while the plumber and the plaster guys work... err.. or not. Awww the way Jaeshin<3 scanned YoonHee so lovingly while he repeated her name Kim.Yoon.Shik... kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3<3<3<3 *slaps self* focus focus..focus.. oh Good luck with the grading and your writing nee! Fighting! Thanks again! .. oh forgot.. *one huge thanks HUG coming your way* Thanks. focus..focus..

  12. Thank you so much for this fast recap!! A teacher? Not surprised! I did think - what an intellectual blog/recap! I've only discovered you this past week. I'm so glad. After this drama, i hope you will recap for other dramas (romance, comedy/romance are my fav). We K-drama fans need portals like here to rave about our k-addiction and get informed about the details to the show cuz I don't understand Korean. I watch it raw, then go to a Chinese site but my Chinese is 4th grade level. Your blog completes my K-drama! Hehe.
    Thank you so much!

  13. Eagerly awaiting ep. 15. Thank you for your lovely reviews!
