Monday, May 30, 2011

Lie to Me Episodes 7 and 8

Sorry about the late post...helping my church move to a new location this week. Anyhow, enjoy the episodes!
Episode 7:
Episode 8:

@ 5/31/11: Quick Comment on Episode 8...hopeful quickly turns to heartbreaking. Ugh...heart-squeeze. The up side is that with the lie cleared up between Ah-Jung and So-Ran, perhaps they can actually learn to be good friends. I love how the two "frenemies" face each other in their worst moment of loneliness/despair and come clean before each other.
All I'm waiting for now is for Sang-Hee to join the Ah-Jung/Ki-Joon love triangle since it looks like he's no longer in love with Yoon-Joo. Ah, next week's episodes are going to be quite emotional!


  1. I think its not going to be triangle but rectangle (LOL, is there such a term? If there are four of them to be tangle up together, what term is used?) Yun Joo is still hanging on to KJ, so its going to be four ;) and not forgetting AJ's first love. Now that he knows AJ is not married, and with his is terrible marriage, may be he is trying to get AJ's back?
    BTW, did you have time to watch Ripley? What do you think of it?

  2. @wanzhaf: Hmmm...I hadn't thought about Jae-Bum getting into the relationship tangle. If he does, who knows how many sides this polygon will ultimately have. LOL. Anyhow, I haven't seen Ripley and don't know if I will. Between watching Lie to Me, Baby-faced Beauty, and Best Love, I've been swamped with dramam watching, sometimes watching the episodes several days later over the weekend. I haven't even started City Hunter and am just posting the episode links. *Sigh* Let me know what you think? Is it worth a watch at a later time when there are no good dramas to watch?
