Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Princess Episode 10 Recap / Summary / Video



Scratch what I said last night about liking Hae-Young...his and Yoon-Ju's convoluted thinking at the beginning of the episode just irritates to no end, especially Hae-Young when Seul calls him P-gun, letting him know that he's the guy she likes. Angst, here we come...

On the other hand, I'm liking Professor Nam more and more with each episode. :) I'm loving the torment Seul and Prof. Nam are putting Hae-Young through by not returning to the palace as Hae-Young expected.  Ha!

...So, I just got done watching the episode. Hae-Young is one confusing man; I can't believe he just turned against the president like that in order to protect Seul.  And I know Seul is only in college, but seriously, her inability to grasp her position's significance and her stupidity are starting to grate.  Oy~then the ending in which Hae-Young asks Seul if she absolutely has to be princess...wouldn't she be content living as his woman?  Ah, angst city here we come indeed.


  1. Mmmmm! getting.... interesting!!
    So have to go to without your whole recap...
    HAPPY LUNAR YEAR and thanks... Twinkie^,^!
